If you're at a place where you're feeling a little stuck or maybe you've hit a plateau or maybe you're dealing with crisis, if you've been in a place in time where you've ever considered or contemplated suicide, whether you're an athlete or a high performer dealing in high-stress environments, you are not alone. On average, there are 123 suicides per day. Sande Roberts has worked in the crisis and behavioral health field for over twenty-five years. She is a certified master trainer in suicide prevention and intervention by the State of California Department of Mental Health. As an expert in all facets of effective communication, she coaches, consults, and mentors individuals, businesses and governments to function better together with their employees, customers, and families. Sande uses unconventional approaches to achieve amazing results in order to help her clients understand how they and others show up in their personal and professional behavior and communication.
Do you suffer from the entrepreneur’s gift? Are you the type of person that can take a mediocre opportunity and make it extraordinary? You make things happen and you have this creative mind. It's the entrepreneur's gift as well as a curse. Some people’s brains can be very and hyperactive that they try to pursue every opportunity that comes their way. One of the greatest lessons for you to learn is to say no. Do the most productive thing at every given moment. Focus on your to-do list and as equally important is to focus on you're not-to-do list and you're not-now list. Work on you being in your highest use and best use arena. If you suffer from the entrepreneur's gift, realize you are not alone. It's okay. Use that creative genius but stay really critical and focused with you and your team on honing in on your areas for growth.
Having the right market, the right offer, and the right message is the foundation of what makes a business or service successful. The more specific you are about knowing who your ideal client is, the more successful you're going to be. Dean Edelson is a strategist, a writer, and one of the leading direct response marketing experts who’s been helping clients be able to go out and generate more leads, more sales, and more profitability. He's one of the top experts that the experts go to when they want to get results with their copy, too. Dean advises that you have to be tenacious, be persistent, and be courageous with your goals and not let anything distract you or get derailed by what other people say. If you've done your research, if you've put the time in and focused on finding out your ideal client, you're going to win.
What would it be worth for you to write better books, write better articles, and become a better writer overall? Well, cultivating the art of discipline has a lot to do with it. Tom Hopkins, an expert who has published over 60 works and worked with legends like Tom Hopkins, has also written fiction work, non-fiction work, contributed, ghost written, and more And get this: Tom’s fascinating body of work extends to paranormal research. Have you ever seen the movie Ghost with Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore? You see them sitting there at the clay mold and basically the feeling comes through her in that moment or the other area where they're sitting around and people that have passed are talking to their loved ones? Dan explores some of the most recent, logical research regarding this phenomenon and more as he takes us through his fantastic writing career. Learn how to "write into the dark" (aka free-writing), and if you feel like it - go deeper into the dark, dark world of the unseen.
Whether in peace time or war time, CEOs must always know how to overcome obstacles that their company might come across. You come up against overwhelm, across burnout or frustration, what’s your immediate response - fight or flight? It's been documented that our reptilian mind goes into fight. And if to fight is not an option, then we go into retreat and fly away. The corporate warzone is not so different. Being an effective CEO is about embracing those challenges and those obstacles. Come to think of it: aren't you only one or two degrees away from that big break? Have you found this too, that on the other side of that frustration, that wall or being stuck, there is a big breakthrough waiting for you?
Start to get clarity on what you can offer your clients. Then you want to think of the potential reasons why people don't buy it from you. I learned this from Tom Hopkins, one of my first coaches and mentors, all the way back in the early 90's. He said, “Anticipate the obstacle, anticipate the resistance, and anticipate the objection.” That’s when great things can happen for your business!