Have you ever thought that you would like to discover new ways to connect with people, so you could broaden your network and possibly gain more business? No one wants to work with someone they can’t trust, so it is vital that we show our best selves and foster a bond with people from the start. What better way to do that than by improving the way you present yourself? In this episode, international profile and communications specialist, Alan Stevens, talks about what we need to know about profiling that can help you do just that. Alan will also share with you how not only our body language, but also facial gestures and facial language can build a deeper connection with the people around us and ourselves. Learn how these effective communication strategies can help your business and your personal life.
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to live with the rich and famous? Are you curious about what goes on in the most elusive parties out there? Steve Sims is someone who can give you answers. He is the founder of Bluefish, one of the top personal concierge services, an expert marketer within the luxury industry, and a sought-after consultant and speaker. Beyond rubbing shoulders with influential people, what Steve values is relationships and he has turned that passion of connecting and building relationships into a business. He lets us in on the importance of having your front stage façade and the backstage match as he brings up his book, Bluefishing: The Art of Making Things Happen. Learn the art of making things happen by valuing a work full of people you truly like.
Do you have a startup company that you are trying to grow, but find yourself stretched for time while trying to navigate a profitable business, and have a happy and healthy personal life? Many would say that we can’t always get what we want, but what if you could pursue a life that is healthy AND profitable? My guest for this episode is Adrian Walker, and he is someone uniquely qualified to offer insights in achieving both. Adrian is the co-founder and CEO of Boataffair, and he tackles what it means to have a global impact by expanding our thinking beyond the local and linear framework. Adrian will also share some common mistakes and myths that people encounter as a business owner, and strategies you can use, starting today.
To grow your business means having to make the right decisions as best as you can. If you can do it with less stress, the better it will be. Helping you get right to that is Dan Kuschell, marketing and sales expert. He is going to be discussing the biggest mistake entrepreneurs and business owners make, while giving you some tips on how best to avoid them instead. He gets right down to the confusion between the power of strategy versus tactics with the idea of finding the magic button. Offering great advises, he highlights why you should choose a unique market, a unique message, a unique methodology, and make a unique offer. There is a lot of depth to what Dan is saying and he gets right down to it to help you market, attract, and close more clients.